Amy Tanner wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 01:05:25PM -0600, Scott Raun (sraun at wrote:
> > I sent this Wednesday, but haven't seen it come back yet.  Help?
> After you're telnetted in, type this:
> user username
> pass password
> ...substitute username and password...
> it will tell you if the account has permissions and if so, how many messages
> in the mailbox.

Then you can follow it up with commands like

retr #  <- put in the number of the message you want to look at
dele #  <- dele the message specified by the number
quit    <- leave and execute an pending updates (like dele's)
list    <- lists all the messages (doesn't retr), gives message # and
rset    <- undoes dele's, haven't tried it so I don't know for sure
top m n <- gives the top n lines of msg m (not implemented in all pop

I believe list also takes an optional # to list only a particular

for further information check the rfc 
