Hi all-

     My curiousity was aroused by a mail I got from a friend, and I wanted
to know:  what is the future for Linux?

     This has been asked before, and answered many ways, so one more time,
for me, get out your crystal balls (or brass), find your Kreskin's crystal,
throw the Magic 8-ball out, and roll it around, or just look deeply into
the toilet, and tell me what you see.  I want it all, aliens comingdown to
take over and give everyone the perfect OS, to Linus Torvalds being elected
supreme ruler of the earth, to "linux will die out in 2 years, it's a fad,
just like rap and heavy metal."
     So I'm curious, and I've some time to look at responses, before I have
more real work to do, so let's see them.....

     Just to get started, the mail I recieved was of the mind that Linux (
and other free OSes) will roll over the proprietary OSes in the next 5 or
so years and that computing will change for the better.
     My response was that I see many OSes, and all have their place, or
niche, we may see some market settling and some of the players might
disappear, but because of business drivers, and other motivations in the
corporate sector, linux will see a significant entrance into the corporate
data center, but it will not replace everything you see now.
     I'm paraphrasing, but it got me wondering.....

                    Thanks for your time and efforts,
