Hi, I know there's quite a few CS folks at the U in the LUG/reading the list. If I asked a specific question on how difficult (time consuming) two classes in the dept. are, would any of you be willing to offer your experience? I'm doing Math with specialty in Computer, so I don't know how the CSCI dept works too well. It would suit me in the big picture to have a schedule of 20 credits next spring, but I don't want to underestimate the demands of the CSCI classes. In particular, I want to know about CSCI 2011 (Discrete Structures) and SCSI 4041 (Algorithms and Data Structures.) I've done MATH 5705 (Enumerative Combinatorics), so don't figure 2011 to be very hard by comparison. Is that arrogant? What are the topics you consider hardest in the class? Same for 4041 -- how time consuming and what are the hard topics. Feel free to email me off list at phil at rephil.org if this seems too un-Linux related for the list. Thanks!