> But iptables is cool. There shouldn't be anything stopping you from using it. 
> Just rmmod ipchains and iptables should be good to go. (IIRC, you need 
> iptables compiled in or the iptables module has to be loaded to use ipchains 
> in 2.4, and ipchains is only avail as a module. Once ipchains module is 
> loaded, iptables doesn't work.)

So is there a half-page intro to configuring iptables?

1.  Do this to enable kernel support.
2.  Do this to set it up for ssh/http/https only.
3.  Do this to allow full access from XX network/ip.
4.  Do this to start/stop/restart.


"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."   - Walt Disney
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