On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Marc A. Ohmann wrote:

> > And you programs should not change when the kernel change.
> what programs should do and what they actually do are totally different.  I run a couple of utilities that *have* to be built against the *current* kernel header files. AFAIK there is no alternative to the pcmcia and wireless tools that must be built against the current headers.  They look in /usr/src/linux by default so a good reason is its easier to put the source there.
> What is a reason not to put them in /usr/src/linux?  just chmod so you don't have to be root to build there.  Its always nice to have a standard place to find them.

the argument is that /usr should be static and in an ideal situation can
be mounted read-only (with the exception of /usr/local, which would be a
different partition)

of course if this were an ideal world we would not need backups and we
would not have MS Windows around


