On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 09:44:07PM -0600, Raymond Norton wrote:
> I have new versions of Sendmail and MySQL running on RH 7.1, but I am very
> new to it, so most things are over my head. What would be a good book for
> beginners on these subjects?

I have "MySQL" by Paul DuBois which I thought was a decent book.

The only book I ever had on Sendmail was the Bat book by O'Reilley.
Not a good book for beginners though, unless you have someone experienced you can
ask questions - in person.

Craig Hunt wrote a book on Sendmail recently that you should check out.
I have not read it but his TCP/IP book (also from O'Reilley) was the standard for many years, 
and even I understood most of it.  

Paul Rech
pauljrech at acm.org
rechpj at bitstream.net
prsyscon at real-time.com