It's mostly terminal/ssh stuff.  Very usefull for servers and whatnot...
Besides.  How secure it it if I simply switch virtual consoles?  A
simple alt-Fx and your there.  I want to be logged out of the system.

I just used the nohup command and everything seems to be working.  Lot's
a hard drive access etc.

Thanks for the help everyone.

> You didn't state that you were using a dumb terminal, but everyone
> that
> responded seemed to assume so.  If you're not using a dumb terminal, I
> suggest switching to a different virtual console (alt-F1, alt-F2, ...
> alt-f8) or (better) running Xwindows and switching to a different
> xterm/rxvt
> window.  The other methods are much more arcane, albeit very useful
> when
> using a dumb terminal.