Hi, I've been in contact with Chris Hanson and some of the other Debian developers for the HP OmniBook GNU/Linux project http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/projects/omnibook/details.php?MODEL=500 As luck would have it, I have the one configuration that no one thought would be needed. Good news is they are willing to knock together some boot disks. In the mean time I've loaded RedHat 7.2, and it's running. Here's the stupid part. I want to install TeXmacs (http://www.texmacs.org/), so I've downloaded the rpm. But, when I say $ rpm -i TeXmacs- nothing happens. I did rpm -q -l -p <file> and it showed me all the stuff that ought to be in it. I tried to install something with GnoRPM (from rpmfind) and it failed, and this does too. Yes, I am logged in a root for this. But rpm won't seem to do any actual installing. What am I missing? I'm not used to programs being just dead in the water. rpm Doesn't show up in top, though it shows in the GnomeTop if you scroll down. Vert weird. Cheers Phil -- I used to like HP before computers, and once I even liked Compaq, but I liked DEC better than HP and Compaq put together.