Hi all- > but that's a hardware issue. no reason you couldn't get Linux to >bang on that hardware. In fact, I'm sure SGI already is doing so. I think they may have some machines running that, but from what I have gotten from SGI, they have every intention of keeping IRIX on MIPS and Linux on Intel. ANd they have been very effective at doing so, witness the Indigo2's, and their lack of a Linux distro that runs a desktop. I'm sure there is interest, jsut like any place you have engineers, hell, put two hardware engineers in a room with two flashlights and some duct tape, and they'll make a new architecture and have it in production before you get back from lunch. I see it at my vendors as well, they have the rare engineer I get to talk to, and he'll have Linux up on his desktop, and he'll have the product fully functional on Linux with most of the major bugs out, and then he'll tell me that I can't have it, becasue he's not allowed to let it out. Kinda like being told tomorrow is Christmas, but you have to stay in your room. >-- some people are willing to pay for that extra bit of performance that big >iron offers. the question then becomes, what OS will run it? I think that >Linux will eventually be able to take over a lot of the hardware that >commercial *nixes run now. I think I disagree here, you'll always see the vendors get the most out of the proprietary stuff with their own OSes, and I think this comes from my ideas about generalization. You can produce something to work in most places fairly well, or you can produce something that works one place, but excessively better than anything else. That's what I see in OSes, while this is not an opinion of the Linux faithful, the vendors seem to always get better numbers out of their own hardware than "outside" OSes. Now, Intel is more of a level playing field,a nd being pretty much the default, Linux does excessively well on Intel in certain instances (many, ok, I said many). So, I'm not the hardware freak I'd like to be, and I'm not sure technically why the vendors have such an edge, but from my experience, they do. Thanks, and I hope to see responses as to why, or why not, the vendors are better on thier own turf, mbutler