My $0.02:

I think this attitude is relatively common because the 
"invisible hand" seems to spend a lot of time picking 
the "invisible nose" (at least in tech) from a lack of 
informed consumers.

>>> blutgens at 11/30/01 11:56AM >>>
On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 23:03, Scott Dier wrote:

> AT&T is buying the network so they have more network to exact control
> over. :)


You take such a dark view of capitalist practices. Perhaps thier
intentions are not malicious. Perhaps they just want to make some money.
This is not a crime, nor is it immoral IMHO. After it is capitalism and
the inherent strenghts and weaknesses that's made our countries economy
strong enough to give us things like nationwide broadband Net access and
buttloads of computer parts at reasonable prices.

If you think any of this would be possible without the "Big Guns" the
likes of say AT&T, U.S.West, and other so called "evil empires" *cough*
microsoft *cough* you're mistaken.

Ben Lutgens		
Sistina Software Inc.	
Kernel panic: I have no root and I want to scream