lists 108 distributions of
Linux.  Any of you care to identify which one is the best one for a new
user. Windows defined the desktop in the same way McDonalds taught us
how to eat hamburgers.
Most people complain about windows the same way they complain about
McDonalds but they are not willing to change
their behavior

I'm a parent and also being a computer "expert" I hear all the horror
stories.  People use home PC's for two things.  Games and browsing
(translation: more games) i.e. entertainment. Sure a few adventuresome
sorts will do their taxes on a PC but even most of them are left
wondering why.  PC's will never survive the next revolution in
computing. The browser is today's OS from a casual user's perspective.
People do not want to own software.  Managing it is a nightmare.

If you really want to promote Linux as a desktop invent some really
kick-ass games that would only run under Linux.  (of course they would
support win too but they wouldn't really work in that environment).

Paul Overby
Poverby at