Quoting Wayne Johnson (waynej at dccmn.com):
> I've used ANT and make for our products.  Contrary to the hype, I don't
> think ANT is any easier to use than make, and with the added versatility
> of make, IMHO go with make.

I'll counter this to say ant is more flexiable then make, at least in the java

> If anyone tells you that the XML in ant is easier to code because it
> doesn't have all those tabs, their full of it.

The build.xml files aren't easy to make (nor is sendmail.cf!), but once you get
use to it it's not all that bad.

My biggest reason for ant (in the java world) is that it's magnitudes faster
then make.

> CVS, make, and rsh for multi-platform products.  Throw in some perl for
                 ^^^ No! ssh, please!

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
http://www.tcwug.org, Minnesota, Wireless | Coding isn't a crime. 
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