Jima <jima at gimp.damnation.net> wrote:
>  If that's the case...
>  Mike, is there any reason you're not decoding the audio on the computer
> that's hooked up to the stereo, aside from the finer control that
> initiating the stream from your local system (in that case, your wireless
> laptop) affords you?  I've written a command-line script that queued up
> MP3s (via mpg123); it wouldn't be a far step beyond that to write a CGI to
> do the same.
>  Or maybe I'm just unnecessarily complicating things.

Before my roommate and I got laptops, I originally wanted to set up a neat
web interface (probably running on my desktop) with an SQL backend and
search functions, etc., which would control an icecast daemon or something
similar.  I just never got around to working on the project, and I was
never sure if I could have a client program that handled MP3 *and* Ogg
Vorbis that would run adequately on the Pentium 100 I had available.

Once I got my laptop, I figured I had a relatively decent interface (XMMS)
and just needed to get audio from point A to B.  I'd still like to create
a nice web interface, so then my roommates and I could do neat things like
vote on what music to play next, but I haven't had/made enough time to do

Uncompressed audio runs on the order of 150kByte/s, so it usually works
fine on the network we have here (except when the wireless access point
decides to drop down to a transmission rate of 16kByte/s for still unknown

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/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   interesting people. Kill
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)  them.
[ Mike Hicks | http://umn.edu/~hick0088/ | mailto:hick0088 at tc.umn.edu ]
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