been wanting to know how to print fancy colors in shell scripts for about as
long as I've seen Linux in use.
I finally spent the time to figure it out. :)
mind you, this is bash 2.05; not guaranteed to work anything like the same
way, anywhere else.

here's an example script:
\e[1mBold Text\e[m\n
\e[4mUnderline Text\e[m\n
\e[5mBlink Text\e[m\n
\e[7mInverse Text\e[m\n
Should be normal text \n
Foreground colors:
\e[0;30m30: Black\n
\e[0;31m31: Red\n
\e[0;32m32: Green\n
\e[0;33m33: Yellow\Orange\n
\e[0;34m34: Blue\n
\e[0;35m35: Magenta\n
\e[0;36m36: Cyan\n
\e[0;37m37: Light Gray\Black\n
\e[0;39m39: Default\n
Bright foreground colors: \n
\e[1;30m30: Dark Gray\n
\e[1;31m31: Red\n
\e[1;32m32: Green\n
\e[1;33m33: Yellow\n
\e[1;34m34: Blue\n
\e[1;35m35: Magenta\n
\e[1;36m36: Cyan\n
\e[1;37m37: White\n
\e[0;39m39: Default\n
\e[mBackground colors: \n
\e[40m40: Black\e[0;49m\n
\e[41m41: Red\e[0;49m\n
\e[42m42: Green\e[0;49m\n
\e[43m43: Yellow\Orange\e[0;49m\n
\e[44m44: Blue\e[0;49m\n
\e[45m45: Magenta\e[0;49m\n
\e[46m46: Cyan\e[0;49m\n
\e[47m47: Light Gray\Black\e[0;49m\n
\e[49m49: Default\e[m\n'

echo -e $COLORS

and for a command that sets brightness, text color, and background color;
then resets it back to normal, try:
echo -e '\e[1m\e[33m\e[44mBright Yellow on Blue!\e[m'

Carl Soderstrom.
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises