I was wondering if any of you know the internals of how the devices
are modified on login.  I'm particularly interested in sound devices.

Seems like when I log in, if I login at the console, the sound devices
are somehow rewritten.  So right now I see this:

[goldman at mn65-zippy ~]$ ls -l /dev/audio /dev/dsp
crw-------    1 goldman  root      14,   4 Mar 23  2001 /dev/audio
crw-------    1 goldman  root      14,   3 Mar 23  2001 /dev/dsp

This is kinda a pain in the patootie if I want to have a box that is
playing mp3s for me, and I'm not logged in from the console.  

I find the lines in the makedev.d/linux-2.4.x file that seems to be
responsible for doing this:

[goldman at mn65-zippy /etc]$ fgrep -i AUDIO makedev.d/linux-2.4.x
c $CONSOLE              14   4  1   1 audio
c $CONSOLE              14   7  1   1 audioctl
c $CONSOLE              14  20  1   1 audio1
c $CONSOLE             145   4 64   4 sam%d_audio

But how does this get invoked?  It seems clear that somehow MAKEDEV is
run on login.  Anyone know where I would find out HOW it is run, so I
could change it?
