On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 08:26:11AM -0500, Liz Burke-Scovill wrote:
> That brings up another question. I've got postfix running at home for our
> mail server, with squirrelmail running as the web mail server. I'm not
> thrilled with it - it's slow, it's annoying, and it keeps dumping non-spam
> into the spam folder no matter how hard I try.
> I've also got an issue with my server rejecting all mail from earthlink
> unless it's a reply, and I've checked with the sender of said mail, and
> the email address she's using is correct. I didn't have this issue before
> installing squirrelmail -
> Anyone have any other good ideas for a webmail system? I was originally
> looking for something that I could eventually customize for the girls into
> something really fun for them - and squirrelmail was the only suggestion
> I'd been given at the time.
> Take care,
> Liz

I have postfix running with Squirrelmail as the web server. My
daughters like it a lot. They haven't had any problems or
complaints about slowness. How does the slowness manifest itself?
Are the screen redraws slow? Does it take a long time to respond to
keypresses? What version are you running? I've got version 1.2.8
running here.

How could squirrelmail reject mail? Wouldn't that be a postfix

Jim Kaufman		mailto:jmk at linuxforbusiness.net
Linux Evangelist	cell: 612-481-9778		
public key 0x6D802619	fax:  952-937-9832