Going to be starting LAN/WAN Protocols in January at college...realized, my
laptop doesn't have a serial port, like the 'official' laptops most students
bought through the college.  Anybody got experience with USB to Serial (DB9)
adaptors for managing Cisco routers through either Windows (XP) or Linux? 
Can/will have both installed (just reinstalled my laptop last week due to
NTFS/FAT32 bugs...arg)

I googled for info, found some guys talking about using OSX on a Mac with Zterm,
and that working.  www.compgeeks.com has one, but it says that it *won't* work
for terminal emulation because it doesn't add a COM port to the system.  So I
need a terminal emulator that will talk through the USB to the adapted serial.

If not, I just grab the new laptop we've got.  (Not sure on Linux on that one,
though...day before Thanksgiving CompUSA special)


Keith Bachman

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org