On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 11:42:53AM -0500, Nathan Syverson wrote:
> OK,
> So the apartments I live in are designed to give you absolutely NO cross 
> ventilation whatsoever.  If there were cross ventilation it would be 
> bearable, because when you go out into the hallway, it's a little warm, but 
> fine.
> When both of your boxes crash from the sweltering heat after ten minutes of 
> use, you know it's probably divine intercession trying to encourage you to 
> get out of the apartment before you die of heatstroke.
> Or I could just install cedar panaling, some benches and charge a monthly fee.  
> I might have to get a snow machine too....
> Stay cool.
> -- 

I've decided to cut a large hole in the wall, insert a boxfan with remote
control, and put metal vents over it ... we also have no ventilation, the
livingroom is ~60 degrees, rest of the apartment is ~80 =)

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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