On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 13:22:39 -0500
Scot Jenkins <scot+tcluggen at thinkunix.net> wrote:

> What to check when nfs doesn't work:

Thanks for the info Scott, everything is there for allowing it to run from what I've been able to see.  rpc, nfsd, etc.  

One thing I forgot to mention was that it's not a Linux box I'm trying to do this on.  Rather, it's an HP-UX  11.22 (v1.6) box.  At first I thought it might have been an issue with the NFS version, whether it be tcp or udp, incompatibility with the older server that is sharing.  But it's not the issue, I can take a brand new box freshly built as of this morning and mount the NFS share.  The box I'm trying to do this on was built a couple of weeks ago.

While this is an HP box, I thought there might have been some correlation with the NFS issues and Linux.  Apologies on not specifying it's OS version.  Was trying to get a few ideas on how to correct this issue.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of Itanium, anyone running Linux on these?  How's the speed comparatively to other processers?  The class I went thru said that it's how the compilers work for Itaniums that make the difference.  They mentioned that the GNU compiler can't take full advantage of the processor yet....


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