On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Mike Hicks wrote:

> At any rate, there have been similar problems in the past, so it would
> be advisable to get good hardware whenever possible, rather than using
> the buggy box that's been sitting in the closet for years.  I know my
> apartment network could last an afternoon without its switch, so I'll
> have to remember this in the future (even a kind soul or two with
> Linux-powered Ethernet bridge boxes would be good)

i guess i could bring in a couple of old boxen to run as bridges.

> 2.  I overheard Munir mention something about "SSH in a box" (or
> something similar) -- apparently a way to SSH from most any computer. 
> Anyway, I've been looking for something like that.  Does such a thing
> really exist, or was I just imagining things? ;-)

actually it is called shellinabox and it is a cgi/java thingie that 
tunnels yours ssh connection through http

it is rather old (last release in 1999 iirc) but there is a webmin 
shellinabox module and it simply rocks. works wonders when you are stuck 
behinds a restrictive firewall.

> 3.  Late in the day, it sounded like someone had the (mis)fortune to be
> using a Serial ATA controller with some real SATA drives.  I was under
> the impression that Linux would be able to talk to most any SATA
> controllers (I thought I heard that they generally look like ordinary
> IDE controllers, but maybe I'm mistaken).  Did that person have any luck
> getting their system working?

no, i was never able to get that drive to work. none of the installers had 
support for that controller

it looked like a scsi controller and it acted like one, but i could not 
get the right modules.

i am sure that we could have goten it to work given enough time and 
effort and some extra hardware to play with, but not in the time 
available. Maybe at the next installfest.

Munir Nassar

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