Scot Jenkins wrote:

>>	No idea at all on this.  Chewie showed me something on how to do a test of packages or hardware for X, but I don't recall it.  I didn't have the normal keyboard/mouse/monitor that I use at the installfest.  If I were to bring them I'd have to also unplug all my systems from the KVM switch.
>dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86 
the -plow is not necessary, dpkg-reconfigure defaults to show all 
package questions.

I'm not sure about hardware detection, I know red hat's kudzu has been 
ported to a debian package, I've heard good things about it, but never 
used it. You might want to give it a try.

>>How do I see what packages are installed on my system?
>dpkg -l			# lists pkgs installed
>dpkg -p <pkgname>	# lists available packages
>dpkg -S /path/to/file	# see what pkg contains '/path/to/file'
>you could also use dselect (curses based).  I'm sure there are other
>ways too.  I'm pretty new to Debian...but an old slack user.
apt-show-versions is a very nice tool I use. This has options to show 
only upgradable packages, all versions of a specific package, and a few 
other things. It's "brief" mode is very cool for taking a snapshot of a 
system's installed packages and the which distribution each is from, in 
apt-get'able format, IMO this is better than just dpkg --get-selections,

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