On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 00:55, David Phillips wrote:

> Only ten?  Care to make it interesting?  Security holes are not a fact of
> life.  Security holes come from being ignorant, having poor / sloppy coding
> skills and not being mindful of security.  It is not difficult to write
> secure code in a scripting language.  If I was not certain that I could
> write secure applications, then I would be looking for a new line of work.

Settle down there cowboy. You may be the best programmer in the world.
If you are you don't need shout it to the world. You show a lot of
arrogance for someone with pictures of used rubbers, ass beads and a
"lick my balls" sign posted on their web site.
http://david.acz.org/hokona.html. Grow up a little before you start
calling people you don't know ignorant. 

Tom Penney <blots at visi.com>

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