On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Jim Streit wrote:

> I have a question about moving RedHat 9 from one box to another.  What I
> would like to do is copy everything from box A to box B, unplug box A,
> give box B the same IP addresses as box A and be done with it
> (temporarily).

Typically you can just tar up your entire disk, move it to another box,
fix the bootloader and /etc/fstab, and the box boots.

If the 3com NICs don't have the same chipset, you might have a driver
issue.  If it's the same chipset it should transisiton flawlessly.  I know
several people on this list who are running a system that was built 3
boxes ago, moved, upgraded, moved, upgraded, etc.  Moving linux from one
box to another is usually a pain free process, I wish you luck.


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