Lets see how can I put this without getting flamed...  can't so here I go.

<pseudo code>
IBM and Redhat = in bed together
IBM and M$ = in bed together
IBM and Novel = in bed together
IBM and Suse = in bed together
    IBM in bed with Redhat
        and IBM in bed with M$
        Redhat in bed with M$
    IBM in bed with everyone
        and IBM financing everyone
        IBM owns everyone
</pseudo code>

IBM believes in UNIX/ Linux for the server and M$ for the desktop. 

IBM is the largest technology company in the world, they have huge power 
in the industry, they have huge numbers of lawyers, do you think maybe 
they only care about profits.  Stop thinking IBM is a company that wants 
to help Linux, if Linux was not making money for them they would try to 
sink Linux.

Just my opinion...

Putting on fire proof suit, boots, and helmet, picking up fire 
extinguisher, standing in Lake Superior!  Tucking head between legs and 
kissing @$$ good by!


David Alitz wrote:

> Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!
> Has anyone else come across the Halloween documents at 
> opensource.org?  Interesting read.  They seem to confirm what I've 
> noticed about M$.  It seems that M$ as adopted a policy of 
> "de-commoditizing" protocols.  Basically, it means that M$ will 
> happily sign on to new standards and then add their own "extensions" 
> to effectively break the standard.  The crux of it is if you have M$ 
> on the desktop you'll need their version of the protocol on your 
> servers.  Those servers probably won't be running RedHat.
> Certainly you noticed this with most Microsoft implementations.  MS 
> Java, Internet Explorer, MS DNS to name a few.  The next generation of 
> Office promises to do the same for XML.  It isn't Microsoft's 
> dedication to their customers that's causing them to alter these 
> standards; it's their dedication to their shareholders.
> To be truthful I don't think Linux is ready for the average users 
> desktop, but Windows on the desktop only helps M$ push it's 
> non-standard standards on the back-end.  You'd think Redhat would at 
> least endorse Mac.
> Dave Alitz
> Justin Kremer wrote:
>> http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104_2-5101690.html
>> Yeah, the company that in most peoples eyes IS linux (because they 
>> don't know any better) is telling them that they should use Windows 
>> instead.
>> -- 
>> Justin Kremer
>> <kremer at ringworld.org>
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