Adam Maloney writes:
>      jot - print sequential or random data
> Yeah, it sounds really dull and stupid, but you wouldn't believe how
> handy it is.  Like to setup an in-addr zone quickly:

That's funny, I've always liked seq for that, since it is so much easier to
use (the first argument to jot is the size of the set, not the ending
number).  In fact, I have a shell script called 'seq' that I use on my
FreeBSD boxes:

if [ "$#" -ne 2 ] ; then
    echo "usage: seq FIRST LAST"
    exit 1
jot $(echo 1+$2-$1 | bc) $1 $2

> jot 254 1 | \
> awk '{ printf("%s\t\tIN\tPTR\\n", $1, $1) }'

Ick, who likes zone files?  I'd rather use tinydns or MyDNS, both of which
can do automatic PTR records.

Speaking of DNS, if you have a lot of DNS data, you should check out the
latest version of MyDNS.  The web interface has been re-written and is
really nice.  The automatic PTR record feature works very well in
combination with the server side alias functionality (--enable-alias), which
I originally wrote.

David Phillips <david at>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at