I'd be interested in hearing that as well.

Shawn wrote:

>On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 02:04:49 -0500
>"David Phillips" <david at acz.org> wrote:
>>If you think you need a license to install software on computer hardware
>>that you OWN, then you are seriously misinformed.  If you own the hardware,
>>you can do whatever you want with it.  Leased hardware might be a different
>>issue, depending on your contract.
>>In fact, shrink-wrap or click-through licenses for software you
>>purchase in a store are also invalid, but that's a different topic.
>David, can you expand on this?  It's early in the morning, and my head's spinning so I'm not thinking straight.  The top makes sense, it's the second paragraph that's confusining me....d

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