Religion was called the "panacea of the masses" at one time.  Now it's 
TV and Sports, third party participation. "Keep them watching garbage 
and they wont see the nasty things we do to them."   I have to believe 
that's what the politicians are thinking when I see TV shows.

Cancel the cable or dish subscription, turn off the TV.  Read to each 
other, go for a walk, make love,  anything,  just stop participating in 
the third person.


P.S.  As a guy I hope she was very, very great full you risked your life 
to put up the dish.

johnny fulcrum wrote:

> ok.  I've had my fill.  My wife is a football (armeican football) 
> fan.  Over the top football fan (chief of Kansas City...).
> I had to put up the Direct TV dish with a  broken foot (no Joke - I 
> was on the roof with a cast - my crutches on the ground while I set 
> the dish...).  "we" have NFL ticket - and I hate it.  I have to watch 
> the kid (I DON'T hate that part) whilst she sits on the couch all 
> sunday (and monday nights) watching big dudes throw pigskin around.
> HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> can we have a install fest in my basement during football games?  with 
> all the kids who we want to know more than sports?
> :P

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