Add your board, get a driver to load, ifconfig to set up
networking, then route command.  There are ethernet/networking HOWTO's
that can help.  Traditionally the config info is stored in
places like /etc/sysconfig/networking, then a startup script reads
it and does the work: look in /etc/inittab which calls a startup
script like init.d/rcS to do some of this work.

That's probably the hard way to do it too, grab a RH6.2 book
and look in the network section should help.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 01:16:56AM -0500, Sreekumar Kodakara wrote:
> Hi,
> Do we need to compile the kernel to have two ethernet ports working in the
> machine or is there something else which one has to do to get two ethernet
> port working? I have a RH 6.2 machine. One ethernet port is present on the
> mother board and is working fine. I have to add one ethernet card to
> the system.
> Thanks for the help
> Sreekumar
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