Hi Jay, You can look to see if you are working on a tty device,
in c: isatty(fd), with perl I've read "-t /dev/fname" may work,
or there is a POSIX::isatty().  So I'd suggest:
if (-t STDIN) {
  # its a tty device
  # do funky calls to turn off line buffering and echo.
  # check out POSIX:Termios as one way to do this.


if (-t STDIN) {
  # maybe restore it settings.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 02:03:50PM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:
> I have this portion of code in a perl script:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl
>   #
>   open(TTY, "+</dev/tty") or die "no tty: $!";
>   system "stty  -echo cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1";
> When I run it from the command line, it works fine.  However, when I pipe
> data into the script or run it through inetd, I get the following error:
> [root at myhost /]# telnet localhost 24
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> no tty: Device not configured at /usr/sbin/spoof.pl line 4.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> [root at myhost /]#
> Apparently this is because there is no controlling terminal when I use a
> pipe or use inetd.  How do I trick it into thinking there is a controlling
> terminal?  Can I start the perl script through some other trickery, like
> "bash -i -c /usr/sbin/myscript.pl"? (this didn't work btw)  
> The reason I'm using the above, is I need to read input coming in character
> by character.  Someone mentioned awhile back that screen had some trickery
> that you could use to get around this.  But I can't find any info.  Any
> solutions?
> -jay

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