nate at wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 01:53:59PM -0500, Chris Frederick wrote:
>>a script like this is doable:
>>for file in dir
>>   ex "+:g/find/s//replace/" "+:wq" file
>>but I can't help but think there's a better way, and one with more 
>>features like being able to recurse through directories, or is faster, 
>>etc.  Is there a egrep/grep/etc tool that can do this?  Or what tool 
>>would you recommend?
> If you want to do things in-place you're already really close.  I would
> suggest using find to get the full list of files you want, grep those
> for the files that need editting, then use ex to do the change.
> Something like this
> for file in `find /somedir -type f | grep -l <regex>`; do
>   ex <commands> $file
> done

If you want a big speed improvement add xargs like this:
     for file in $(find /somedir -type f | xargs grep -l <regex>); do

I prefer the $(command...) notation. It's a little easier to read at the 
end of a long day.
Eric (Rick) Meyerhoff
rick at

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