Any kernel hackers out there?

I've been playing around with the latest 2.6 kernels and I really enjoy 
using them.  I've been running 2.6.1 for a while now and my only problem 
is on my laptop I have to have the power cord unplugged for the ACPI 
battery and thermal modules to load properly, and when accessing the 
disk, the whole machine tends to slow down for a second.  Overall, I'm 
very happy with it.

I downloaded the 2.6.2 sources, did a make oldconfig and took the 
defaults (there was only one yes for CONFIG_IDE_GENERIC, the rest didn't 
seem to apply to me).  Everything compiles nicely, but when I choose 
"262" on the laptop it reboots right away.  I took off the ACPI support 
and now it hangs on boot.  The same thing is happening with my server, 
it just hangs.  I tried recompiling with all the debug options and frame 
pointers, with no luck.  I took off the "generic ide" option that came 
up in the make oldconfig, no change.

It doesn't get far enough to mount anything so it can't write any logs, 
and nothing shows up on the display, so how do I tell what is going 
wrong?  I can email my config info off list if you need it.

Chris Frederick

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at