After listening to the messages...I think it would be almost worth it to
get a land line and set this up.

T: Is Mr ummm...Zahhhhh...Zbrikowski home?
C: He is, but he won't speak to you until you can pronounce his name
correctly. It's <insert incorrect pronunciation here>
T: <insert telemarketer attempt here>
C: No its <insert different incorrect pronunciation here>
T: <insert telemarketer attempt here>
C: No, it's <insert different incorrect pronunciation here>
T: <insert telemarketer attempt here>
C: That's it, say my name! Say my name!
T: ...
C: Oh that's so good...

etc etc....

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
 A password is like your underwear; Change it
 frequently, don't share it with others, and
     don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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