Sam MacDonald wrote:

> When you mount a volume what ever it may be, it may need to be fully 
> notated.
> mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
> Now it might not be called /dev/cdrom it might be somethine else.
> /dev/cdrom is the usual name for the cdrom device.
> When you first logged in to your Fedora box you may have logged in as 
> "root".  "root" is all powerful, you
> should have created an account to use every day.  You need to 
> permission that every day account to use the
> devices.
> Sam.

I have a feeling that he is just missing the symlink to /dev/hdc or 
whatever his cdrom device actually is.

ln -s /dev/hdx /dev/cdrom

or in the case of devfs:

ln -s /dev/cdroms/cdromx /dev/cdrom

(where x is the letter or number of your cdrom drive)


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