Greetings all, Thanks so much for all the help at the Anyway, I've got Debian up on my old P1 box and on my thinkpad 560. On to the question. I'm trying to configure X with a 3Dfx Voodoo 4 4500 and an Acer 7133s monitor. I've broken my XF86Config file several times now and I'm getting used to it but I haven't had much success. Basically I can't get above 640x480. I've looked at the 3Dfx HOWTO, the XFree86 website and every conceivable Google search, so I'm not just wussing out here. Here's what I know. Some sites claim that the Voodoo4 and 5 use the same drivers. There is very little mention of the Voodoo4 specifically. The Glide drivers are said to work only with Voodoo 1&2 cards I've done apt-get install glide2-bin Here is some of my XF86Config-4 (ask if you need it all, just trying to be conservative) Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Default Layout" Screen "Screen 1" InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" InputDevice "Configured Mouse" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Acer 7133S" VendorName "AAC" ModelName "5321" # HirizSync 31.0 - 40.0 # VertRefresh 50-90 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Voodoo4" VendorName "3dfx" Driver "tdfx" ChipSet "3dfx Voodoo5" # Option "UseFBDev" "true" BusID "PCI:1:0:0" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen 1" Device "Voodoo4" Monitor "Acer 7133S" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" ViewPort 0 0 EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" ViewPort 0 0 EndSubSection EndSection Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection Many Thanks, -- Benjamin Betts bmbetts at benbetts at _______________________________________________ TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at