anyone ever deal with this problem?: copy some text from one terminal (I use Aterm) and then go to paste it into a vim session on another terminal and the (spacing) formating goes bonkers - here's an example (it appears that leading spaces turn into tabs or something..): copied text: ========================================================= sub parseLogfile { my ($filein, $fileout) = @_; my @results; debug("in file is $filein, outfile is $fileout"); open(IFILE,"<$filein") || printDieAndWait( __LINE__,"Can't open $filein for reading: $!"); while (<IFILE>) { chomp ($_); debug("line is $_"); if ($_ =~ /Program: sslslsupld: Started For Store/) { debug("Match for sslslsupld start"); my $pos = tell IFILE; my @startline = split(/ /); my $outline="$startline[5]||$startline[@startline-1]||$startline[1] $startli ne[2] $startline[3]"; ========================================================= when pasted: ========================================================= sub parseLogfile { my ($filein, $fileout) = @_; my @results; debug("in file is $filein, outfile is $fileout"); open(IFILE,"<$filein") || printDieAndWait( __LINE__,"Can't open $filein for reading: $!"); while (<IFILE>) { chomp ($_); debug("line is $_"); if ($_ =~ /Program: sslslsupld: Started For Store/) { debug("Match for sslslsupld start"); my $pos = tell IFILE; my @startline = split(/ /); my $outline="$startline[5]||$startline[@startline-1]||$startline[1] $startli ne[2] $startline[3]"; ========================================================= _______________________________________________ TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Help beta test TCLUG's potential new home: Got pictures for TCLUG? Beta test tclug-list at