Bret Baptist writes:
> To do SSL with IMAP and POP3 you need to use stunnel right now.

That's actually an advantage.  Why build SSL support into every program when
it can be handled be a single program?  Separation is good both from an
engineering and security standpoint.

> It does take a little beefy hardware to run the whole thing
> efficiently.  I guess this really depends on how many concurrent
> connections you have.  With us, we have a couple hundred people
> checking their mail per second.

I think you would need some beefy hardware for any mail system with several
hundred concurrent users.

> Webmail is very fast; direct db access.

That is very nice.  The typical webmail solution is an IMAP wrapper.  While
good from an engineering standpoint, it ends up having abysmal performance.

> Very easy to scale up.  Just add a high powered db backend, and
> clustered frontends and you are set to scale to almost any capability.

It is easy to scale the performance, but not the capacity.  A big
disadvantage is that you can't easily grow a MySQL database.  The total
available space must be available on one machine.

I appreciate your comments.  They give me an incentive to check out dbmail.

David Phillips <david at>

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