On 9/3/04 8:49 PM, "Scot Jenkins" <scot at thinkunix.net> wrote:

> A late reply here, but I've found having a Knoppix cdrom can be really
> handy for identifying hardware (such as your raid controller) or for
> figuring out which partition is the / (root) partition.

Unfortunately in my case, the Knoppix CD I used didn't seem to detect the
RAID hardware in this system. It didn't do much good.

On a related note...

The Knoppix CD does a fantastic job of setting up a text-only environment
with perfectly sized text, good color combinations, and a VESA framebuffer.
How can I figure out the settings that Knoppix is using so I can apply them
to this server? Setting up a nice text-only environment isn't something I've
delved into much before.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto: wilson at visi.com   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

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