>>> Mike Miller <mbmiller at taxa.epi.umn.edu> 03/09/05 12:46 PM >>>
>On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Dave Sherohman wrote:
>> Then again, Stallman's advocated for "Linux" starting with an invisible

>> (but decidedly not silent...) "GNU", but that doesn't seem to have 
>> caught on.  (Thankfully.)
>It doesn't predominate, but I've heard it fairly often.
>Linux would not have existed if it weren't for GNU and the GPL.  I can 
>understand why Stallman feels a bit ripped off when he started the ball 
>rolling and Torvalds is getting most of the attention.  Torvald's 
>contribution looks a lot smaller to me than Stallman's.

On one hand, I am a big fan of Stallman's simply 
because of GNU and the GPL. I feel bad for him 
because he is not usually given due credit for his 

On the other hand, the "GNU Linux" thing makes 
him look like a glory hound. Bad PR. I think Linux
owes much to many contributors like Andrew Tridgell
and Tatu Ylonen, but they would look only slightly 
more silly suggesting calling Linux names like 
Samba Linux and SSH Linux. Their contributions 
may not compare to GNUs, but it doesn't matter. The 
suggester of the "name change" appears to be 
"tooting their own horn" and "needy" for attention.

To me, Linux is a cool kernel and lots of great 
GNU (and other) software. But people (myself included) 
like to refer to things by short names. I (and at least a 
few others) don't feel the need to proclaim GNUs 
greatness every time I mention Linux. I still know GNU 
is great software. The fact that others do not is a GNU 
public relations problem, not a problem Linux or Linus 
Torvalds has to solve.

That's my 2 cents.
