Two questions:
 1) What does it mean when Linux says on shutdown "unmounting pipe file system"?
 2) I found a neat book "Code Reading, The Open Source Perspective" by Diomidis Spinellis which does a lot to explain the real-world details of software development. Is there a similar book that would tell me such fun facts as my first question about "pipe file system"?
 I'm starting compsci grad school and I'm supposed to help an instructor put together a new operating system class. I'd like to find materials that really goes into the nitty-gritty of a Linux or BSD box. Before, they used Tannenbaum or Silberschatz which is fine for the theoretical level, but not on-the-ground real world Linux or BSD. For example, what would be a good real world Unix app to grab the source code for and snoop/hack around? Any ideas?

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