The Wandering Dru <dru at>  wrote:
> Debian's release cycle tends to be... longer(not necessarily a bad
> thing).

Being a DD, I would suggest sticking with Debian.  Transgaming
generally releases largely static binaries, so you shouldn't run into
too many dependency problems.  I use for software that
generally can only be found in unstable/testing. 

Ubuntu is pretty cool, from what I understand, but I've never really
bothered.  ZDNet is running a story [1]_ about a recent post from
Andreas Barth. [2]_  Etch is scheduled for release in December.
Rather than the 3 year release cycle, we're down to 18 months. ;-)
Good news for Debianites everywhere.  18 months may be a little slow
for the FOSS world, but it's better than 3 years.  Personally, I can 
"suffer" for a year and a half before upgrading. :-)

.. [1]
.. [2]
Chad Walstrom <chewie at> 
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */