My current network looks like this;
1. A 'file server' running Debian Stable exporting a media share and
home directories via nfs.  Samba was working on here the last time I
had a windows machine on the network.,
2, My old desktop running Debian testing,
3, My new desktop running Kubuntu.  (Thanks, Samir)
4, I will soon be adding a windows XP machine, that will need to have
access to at least the samba share on the 'file server'.

I have 4 users. (Parents and two kids), right now, all 4 users have an
account on the old desktop.  I just remembered, I might have a couple
logins on the file server for friends to log in from outside the
network.  Rarely used, SSH only.

Keeping /etc/hosts and uid/gid information has become unwieldy. I know
my nfs share is a permissions mess right now, but I need to get the
uid/gid information synced across all the machines before I really
have a hope of getting that cleaned up.

What system should I learn about that best fits my network size and
the scope of the problem?  LDAP? NIS? rsyncing the appropriate files
from a common place?

Pointers appreciated.
