On Sep 30, 2008, at 11:30 PM, Nick Scholtes wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> Maybe I misunderstood the whole "rebuild" thing. You said:
> <Many applications can be built natively on Linux with little, or  
> no, modification.  In most cases, there is no reason to 'rebuild' an  
> application.>
> Could you explain this more? Maybe this is what I was thinking of.


Many, maybe most, applications are offered as pre-compiled binaries.   
For the vast majority of people, these pre-compiled binaries will work  
fine.  That being said, there are applications written for Solaris,  
FreeBSD, other, that are written closely enough for generic *nix, that  
they can follow the same ol' ./configure && make && make install  
routine, with little or no modification.  The fact of the matter is  
that more applications than not are written and already compiled  
against the Linux kernel.  Re-compiling will give you very little  

Some fringe cases where the extra work may pay off involve special  
hardware.  Whether it is simply old hardware (low RAM/slow proc) or  
embedded systems, or specialty hardware (Gx Macs, alpha, etc).  If  
you're running x86 or x64 on modern hardware, don't waste your time  
compiling, if there's a binary available.

Last, the biggest benefit of pre-compiled packages is the fact that  
they're packages.  This includes a mechanism to install the necessary  
dependencies and configuration files.  Source, typically, only  
compiles the binaries.  Here, again, you're best off using the  

Eric Crist