
I've got a server reporting zero available HD space, and I believe it
because the website it isn't working right. However, I can't seem to find
any files that are huge or taking up this space.
Below is an output from du * in the root directory. I've also used find in a
variety of way to find any files bigger than 10meg or so and nothing seems
to be big enough to begin to take up the whole 130 gig drive.. i hope
someone has some ideas.. this server is in a  remote colo too btw
Thanks in advance!

This is an output from du:

[root at mail /]# du -sh *
8.1M    bin
19M    boot
4.0K    data
96K    dev
59M    etc
82M    home
267M    lib
21M    lib64
16K    lost+found
12K    media
0    misc
8.0K    mnt
0    net
322M    opt
0    proc
124M    root
26M    sbin
8.0K    selinux
8.0K    srv
0    sys
20K    tmp
3.2G    usr
636M    var

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