On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 13:25:51 -0500
"Andrew S. Zbikowski" <andyzib at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I'd like to give a Subversion talk at a TCLUG or Penguins Unbound
> > meeting, let me know if you'd be interested and what you'd like to hear.
> Tips on how to keep that !@#$% in the next cube from resolving
> conflicts by deleting the SVN version and committing his version. ;)

While there are many humorous answers here, involving hammers,
rubber hoses, or viruses, isn't SVN really well equipped for this
case? The log should show what !@#$% did, no way to avoid finger
pointing if needed...


John Gateley <tclug at jfoo.org>