Playboy channel, and those others similar, are part of the pay for extras, not part of "standard package" deals.

That is how.

On Aug 19, 2010, at 4:08 PM, J.A. Simmons V wrote:

> Harry-
> I like that you brought up the FCC and the indency regulations. What people forget is that cable is not regulated the same as broadcast media (except in cases that are deemed obscene, though I don't know how they get away with playboy channel then). 
> So while I cannot say the 7 dirty words on ABC, I can on Nickelodeon. But that is against nick's branding/business model, and so doesn't. Self regulation (I.e. free market) has provided what the market needs.
> Everyone (falsly) believes that without regulation, hardcore porn/(insert other concerns) will spread like wildfire, but all regulations do is define the rules that they will try and bend until the customers finally giveup and change the channel. The customer is always the final decision maker.
> **ref:
> Customers can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending their money somewhere else. ~Sam Walton
> Vechicals needing seatbelts is an intersting regulation to debate. To sell cars to the largest % of the population, they need to add seatbelts to every car. Meanwhile, making wearing seatbelts a legal requirement is hypricitical based on the fact that my motorcycle does not need seatbelts, and is more at risk for everything that a car goes through (alot of drivers do not pay attention to motorcycles). So the same people who demand that seatbelts need to be worn at all times should also be fighting to abandon the use of motorcycles, since there is no special requirements to drive a motorocycle then a car. (Seperate licenses yes, but nothing extra needed between the two.)
> In fact, in most states that I know of (Texas, Oklahoma, California) will allow an individual over the age of 12 to drive a motorcycle upto a certain cc rating. Which qualifies it for driving on the freeway as long as it can attain the minimum limit. (some states have added extra regulations on top of the current laws to account for this obvious hyprocisy).
> Regards,
> Simmons
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