So far, I have substantial experience with HTML and basic experience with Ruby on Rails.

My questions:
1. What books, web sites, tutorials, etc. do you recommend for getting started in Drupal?
2. How quickly do Drupal books become obsolete? In the world of Ruby on Rails, books become worthless after only a year.
3. Is the Drupal setup finicky? It seems that all of the planets need to be properly aligned for Ruby on Rails to work properly. That's why I have uploaded my procedures to my web site at . It's partly as a resource for the Ruby on Rails community, but it's mainly for my own use so that I never have to relearn everything.
4. How tricky is deployment? I learned from Ruby on Rails to deploy early and often. If my application has deployment problems, I can take care of them right away and not waste my time working on something that never sees the light of day.

Jason Hsu
Founder and lead developer of Swift Linux