Well, three months later and it isn't quite here, yet.  Here's an article 
about it:


That article links to this on NewEgg:


But, as they note, it is sold out right now and they may not get more in 
until May 1.  They also have a page for the Linux version:


But take note:  The Windows version has 2GB/32GB while the Linux version 
only has 1GB/8GB.

I also note that other companies are producing things that seem almost the 
same, but I don't know how they differ:


That one comes with a little bluetooth keyboard.

Have any of you tried one of these, yet?  You'd want to be able to get the 
Windows version with twice the RAM and 4 times the storage, then install 
Linux on it.  But will that work?


On Sun, 11 Jan 2015, Mike Miller wrote:

> This seems like it's all about Windows...
> http://ces.gizmodo.com/intels-150-hdmi-stick-turns-any-tv-into-a-windows-desk-1678550370
> ...but when you get to the end, you see this:
> "The Wall Street Journal says it'll hit by the end of Q1, with a Linux 
> version also available for $90."
> And links to these pages...
> http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/01/08/intel-unveils-pocket-size-computer-that-plugs-into-tvs/
> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/compute-stick/intel-compute-stick.html
> ...which confirm the claims (except it's $89, not $90).
> Mike