There are two kinds of people I won't leave alone with my machines: the 
ones who wouldn't know what the heck they're doing... and the ones who 

On Tue, 16 Aug 2016, Ryan Coleman wrote:

> As someone that provides remote technical support to (some select) private parties you should never leave them alone. Ever.
>> On Aug 16, 2016, at 3:04 PM, Clug <tclug at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Aug 2016, Ryan Coleman wrote:
>>> The only way Comcast puts anything on your system is you INSTALLED it
>>> yourself.
>> Nowadays they probably just send you a CD or something, but in The Olden Days they /definitely/ tried to install stuff on your system. This is back in the days when they expected your modem to be connected to a single computer rather than a router, too. So if you left the tech alone and didn't sit there to make sure you know what they're doing (and stop them from such shenanigans) they may well have install stuff on your "main" computer!
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