My daughter was married at the James. J. Hill Reference Library, 
downtown St. Paul. She thought the St. Paul location relevant. I later 
told her I was an armed guard at the NWBell Telephone building next door 
(now Century Link) in about 1973. There were 7 floors of relay switches 
in the hollow core building that gave sparks at night. They told me it 
was a terrorist target, but what was a terrorist in 1973?? I read the 
book, "War and Peace" there.

I was just one of millions with a story to tell. But that corner of St. 
Paul is where Mississippi River traffic flowed, later railroad traffic 
flowed, later information traffic flowed. I later worked in the 
Emergency Room at St. Paul Ramsey Hospital (now Regions Hospital) where 
stupidity and blood flowed, but that's a different story. Working nights 
in college definitely keeps a guy sober.

Anyway, XForms was the parent toolkit for XFCE window manager. XFCE 
later switched to GTK, but some GTK users are now angry with big changes 
and are turning to QT.The stability and simplicity of XForms is rare. 
I'm just grateful it exists and want to make others aware of it.

Iznogoud wrote:
> Rick,
> You have to write this stuff down. These are stories, setups, and local history
> that, at the very least, we should come across once while living here.
> I go by the Bakken museum all the time and I always say "On my list" and it
> has been years and I have not gone. Bumped up the priority just from what you
> said.
> OpenGL has been evolving. We are now around version (of the standard) 4. But
> all the older stuff is compatible. I wanted widgets for my VR software...
> Otherwise, there are lots of widgets out threre and I do like Motif. Anyway,
> you can learn it, much like anything a geek puts their mind to.
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