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(ASCEND) python 'aview' utility enhanced

Howdt folks,

We installed the MAX Utilities which included "maxstatus" a program in
Python to query the MAX with SNMP for usernames, IP's, etc.

I'm probably way out of date, and there's some new version that's been
released- but I went ahead and rewrote some parts of it.

It's only useful if you have the MIBs properly installed, and the python
language interpreter installed.

Here's the source, and I don't really know python, so the source is very

Be sure to set the IP address and SNMP read community name for what your
MAX is.  This is pretty similar to what that "loop" web utility does.
Note that python is extremely picky about whitespace, so if my mailer
doesn't eat this to bits, it should run fine.  (It's a drop in replacement
for the 'maxstatus' program)

-----------------------   CUT HERE     ---------------


import sys, posix, os

os.environ['MIBFILE'] = '/usr/local/lib/ascend.mib'

import snmp, snmpmisc, string

ascend ="", "public" )

ray = [ 0 ]

def ascend_get(str):
  tmp = '' + str
    return ascend.get(tmp)
    return (None, 'Invalid SNMP OID' + '  ' + str, 0)

def ascend_get_other(str):
  tmp = str
    return ascend.get(tmp)
    return (None, 'Invalid SNMP OID' + '  ' + str, 0)

def build_callref():
  loop = 1
  found = 0
  while (loop < 121):
    zzz, chk, zzz2 = ascend_get("sessionStatusGroup.sessionStatusTable.sessionStatusEntry.ssnStatusCallReferenceNum." + `loop`)
    chk2 = string.atoi(chk)
    loop = loop+1
  return (1)

def find_callref(int):
  loop = 1
  found = 0
  while (loop < 121):
    if (int == ray[loop]):
      found = loop
    loop = loop+1
  return (found)

def my_time(int):
   days = 0
   hours = 0
   minutes = 0
   secs = 0
   days, temp = divmod(int, 62400)
   hours, temp2 = divmod(temp, 3600)
   minutes, secs = divmod(temp2, 60)
   timeon = `days` + "d " + `hours` + ":" + `minutes` + ":" + `secs`
   return timeon


print "                                Line  Modem    Time           Uploaded/"
print "User     Speed  IP Address     :Chan :Port      On     Type           /Download"
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
u = 1
i = 1
v = 1
while(i < 137):
  valid=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusValidFlag." + `i`)
  flag = string.atoi(valid[1])
  if (flag > 1):
    z, sesidx, z2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusCallReferenceNum." + `i`)
    callref = string.atoi(sesidx)
    if (callref >= 1):
      booga = find_callref(callref)
    a, uname, a2=ascend_get("sessionStatusGroup.sessionStatusTable.sessionStatusEntry.ssnStatusUserName." + `booga`)
    b, speed, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusDataRate." + `i`)
    b, line, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusSlotNumber." + `i`)
    b, linetwo, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusSlotLineNumber." + `i`)
    if (linenum == 1):
      line_test = linetwonum
      line_test = 3
    b, channel, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusSlotChannelNumber." + `i`)
    b, modemslot, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusModemSlotNumber." + `i`)
    b, modemport, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusModemOnSlot." + `i`)
    b, istr, b2=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusIfIndex." + `i`)
    b, inbytes, b2=ascend_get_other("interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets." + `ifindex`)
    b, outbytes, b2=ascend_get_other("interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOutOctets." + `ifindex`)
    c, ip, c2=ascend_get("sessionStatusGroup.sessionStatusTable.sessionStatusEntry.ssnStatusUserIPAddress." + `booga`)
    d=ascend_get("callStatusGroup.callStatusTable.callStatusEntry.callStatusStartingTimeStamp." + `i`)
    duration = (uptime / 100) - tstamp
    time = my_time(duration)    
    e=ascend_get("sessionStatusGroup.sessionStatusTable.sessionStatusEntry.ssnStatusCurrentService." + `booga`)
    if (service == 3):
      type = 'PPP'
    elif (service == 11):
      type = 'Telnet'
    elif (service == 14):
      type = 'Terminal Server'
    elif (service == 5):
      type = 'MultiChannel PPP'
    elif (service == 15):
      type = 'MultiLink PPP'
      type = 'unknown'
    if (uname != '\"\"'):
      print "%-8s %-5s  %-15s  %1d:%-2s %1s:%-2s  %-11s %-4s %7s / %8s" % (uname, speed, ip, line_test, channel, modemslot, modemport, time, type, inbytes, outbytes)
      u = u + 1
  i = i+1
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
u = u-1
print "Total Users: %d" % (u)

-------------------------     CUT HERE      ------------------------

-Will Pierce
System Administrator
Dreamscape Online, LLC.
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